Dr. H S Ashok
Honorary Professor
He is formerly Professor at Department of Psychology, Bangalore University. He has involved in research projects in the area of management and entrepreneurship. He is associated with assessment centres such as Karnataka Skill Commission and Merittrac Services Pvt. Ltd. for development of psychometric tests. He involved in several research projects sponsored by NASCOM, Department of Science and Technology. He served as resource person for the projects undertaken by Karnataka Knowledge Commission. He also conducts training in human dynamics and behavioural aspects of men at workplace for both public and private sector organizations. Dr. Ashok associated with Assessment and Organizational Development programmes for both public and private sector organizations. He has developed modules for MDP for the Education Department and Project Swasthya Karnataka, Department of Health, Government of Karnataka. He also served as Member of Board of Studies, Board of Examination of several Universities within and outside Karnataka.

Dr. G. P. Sudhakar
Honorary Professor
An accomplished academic administrator with eight years’ experience managing post-graduate business programs and a proven track-record of building new MBA programs, and developing business school brands. He has over fifteen years’ experience teaching at business schools, backed by two decades in the industry. His Research focus is on the retail industry, with a Ph. D. in Management Studies from Osmania University, Hyderabad and a consistent record of publications in academic and industry publications. He authored a book titled “Integrated Retail Marketing Communication” published by Prentice-hall of India. He is also President of National and Rural Education Association, Gauribidanur.

Dr. H. R. Venkatesha
Honorary Professor
A motivating Professor in Management and able Administrator, he is committed to work on initiatives that would have a positive impact on overall development of students and quality in education. He has 35 years’ experience in Teaching, Research and Administration. He has served as a Professor in Management, HoD and Director, Member of Board of Studies at various Business Schools and Universities in Karnataka. Under his guidance nine scholars have been awarded with Ph.D. from different Universities. He has more than 40 publications to his credit and contributed for many books. He has delivered lectures at various foreign Universities to name a few, Daito Bunka University, Japan, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan, Wenzhou University, China etc.

Dr. S C Poornima
Honorary Professor
Has 30 years’ experience in Teaching, Research and Consulting. She has served as a Professor in Management and HoD at various Institutions in Bangalore. She has successfully worked on several projects like “Innovations in Public Administration” (Karnataka Knowledge Commission), Psychological and Socio-Cultural dimensions – impact of Call Centre (NASSCOM), consulting project at Bowater School of Management and Marketing, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, collaborating project at Collaboration with Cornelia Daniel, Westfield State College, U.S.A. and many more. She has more than 30 publications to her credit and served as editorial board member of management journals.

Dr. V. Rajesh Kumar
Honorary Professor
Has got his Doctorate in the area of “Strategy”. While Accounting and Taxation are his areas of expertise, Finance is his area of passion. He has 25 years of experience in teaching at graduate, post-graduate and professional levels and has served various Institutions in different capacities. His paper on “Capital Asset Pricing Model” was selected for an International Conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, United States of America, during May-June 2011. Dr. Rajesh also has a rich experience in research, consultancy and training – both at the academic level and corporate level. He has conducted Faculty Development Programs in various educational institutions; and has conducted training programs for executives and managers of various companies like Wipro, Godrej, FCG, Honeywell, KPCL, Tyco Electronics etc. He is the Founder of ‘Vittam Pravina Gurushala (Finance Expert Academy).

Dr. Manasa Nagabhushanam
Honorary Professor
Has 30 years’ experience in Teaching, Research, Writing and Consulting. She has served as a Professor in Management, Director/Dean at various Business Schools in Bangalore. She has carried out research projects for Sarva ShikshaAbhiyaan, Karnataka Knowledge Commission and ICSSR. She set up AnalyZ Research Solutions in 2011 and successfully worked on several assignments like Moksh, Titan Industries, Infotrack Telematics, Hitachi, Banjara Foods and has supported several startups for their market entry. She received Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Award from Bangalore Centre for Education as Best Teacher in Management for the year 2007. She is Member (President nominee) of the Executive Council of Central University of Karnataka.

Jai Prabhakar S C
Adjunct Reasearch Faculty
He holds a Masters and Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Mysore. He has close to two decades of experience and completed 12 Research Projects and guiding 8 students for their doctoral degree. He was Associate Editor of 'Pratibimba'- Multidisciplinary Research Journal (ISSN 2582-2284), of IIMRD, Mysore from 2019 and Editorial Board Member of Indian Journal of Research in Anthropology (IJRA) (ISSN 2455-829X) – Red Flower Publications Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi from March 2021. Also, Editorial Board Member of Journal Social Sciences (ISSN Print: 2326-9863, online: 2326-988X) - Science Publishing Group (SciencePG)-USA, (May 2022). He has worked as Resource Person (Anthropology) in CIIL, Mysore. He has presented research papers at NAAAS & Affiliates Conference in Baton Rough USA and IUAES World Conference in Manchester UK, Kasetsart University in Bangkok & Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Dr.Lakshmeesh Sonda
Adjunct Reasearch Faculty
A well-known name in Karnataka as a historian and orator. He is a post graduate from Karnataka University, Dharwad and holds a doctorate degree from Hampi University. He has 15 years of experience as a history lecturer. He has been actively involved in historical research for the past 15 years. Presently member of Tagore National Fellowship Committee Delhi. He has published 15 books, more than 400 popular articles and has delivered more than 500 lectures across the state. He has received many awards to name a few “Basavaraja Kattimani” State Award in 2013 and Kadamba “Sevaratna” State Award in 2016. He is Honorary editor of Vikrama weekly magazine.

Dr. Padmavathi B S
Holds Post Graduate Degree in Political Science, M. Phil. and Doctoral Degrees with specialization in foreign Policies (of India and the United States of America) from the Department of Political Science, Bangalore University. She has coordinated and headed nearly 30 national and international survey related projects. Has served as a member of the NCTE Textbook Committee (XII-World Politics). Has contributed to the drafting of Karnataka State Youth Policy as a Member of the Drafting Committee. She worked in Karnataka Knowledge Commission as Senior Research Associate. Has served as Convener of Sub Committee to Task Force on Implementation of NEP in Karnataka constituted by KSHEC, GoK and member of Task Force on Implementation of NEP in School Education in Karnataka constituted by Government of Karnataka.

Sri. Chaitra M S
Chaitra M.S. started his professional life as Biologist. After his master’s in Zoology from University of Mysore, he worked with Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, Center for Ecological Sciences (CES), Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Bengaluru. From past eight years his research focus has shifted from biological sciences to study of India and her traditions. He has been working under the guidance of Prof. S N Balagangadhara and has been involved in building a group of scholars who are involved in doing collaborative research in an emerging discipline called “Comparative Science of Cultures”.

Dr. Ashwini B. Desai
Ashwini B. Desai has her master’s in English literature from University of Mysore and has submitted her PhD thesis in English literature. Her research is an enquiry into how colonialism has impacted literary studies in India and how even the contemporary literary practices are shaped by European description of India by taking Literary criticism and Literary history. She is making an attempt to understand how colonial consciousness impacts experiences of people using literature domain as an example.