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The role of Learning Infrastructure in Enhancing Quality of Education

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - 16:07
Ms Srija Dasyapu & Ms Gandam Kundanasri
Interns, CESS, Post Graduate students, Department of Public Administration, Central University of Karnataka.

Education in India is at the crossroads and stands as a basic right bestowed to everyone that enables individuals and communities to develop holistically. Education today has become is critical for eliminating poverty and inequality by equipping skills among the students for better employment and economic autonomy which will eventually boost national growth. While secondary education serves as a link between basic and higher education, it addresses problems such as poverty and limited infrastructure, particularly in developing countries. Initiatives of UNESCO seek to address the existing gaps in the education eco-system. In our country, increased enrolment is countered by high dropout rates over the years due to various reasons. The government is dealing with projects such as RMSA, Digital India and Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan which aim to improve infrastructure, integrating technology and ensure inclusive quality education for all.